
Royce Schaneman, Executive Director
Royce Schaneman is the Executive Director of the Nebraska Wheat Board. Royce is a native Nebraskan, grew up on a diversified farm near Minatare. Royce attended the University of Nebraska‑Lincoln majoring in Diversified Agriculture and Animal Science. Royce’s past experience includes Cooperative Extension Service and the Nebraska Department of Agriculture. Throughout his experience, Royce has remained close to all aspects of agriculture from the people, production, processing, and marketing of a wide variety of products.

Jadyn Heckenlively, Marketing Specialist
Jadyn Heckenlively is the Marketing Specialist for the Nebraska Wheat Board. Jadyn grew in Orleans, NE and was involved in the agricultural industry. She attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where she majored in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Communication and minored in Leadership Communications. Jadyn’s prior experience includes working with the American Gelbvieh Association as well as Phelps and Gosper County Extension Offices.

Samantha Oborny, Ag Promotion Coordinator
Samantha Oborny is the Ag Promotions Coordinator for the Nebraska Wheat Board. Samantha grew up on a farm near Garland, NE raising cattle and producing corn and soybeans. She attend the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where she majored in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Communication and minored in Agricultural Economics. Her prior experience includes interning with the Nebraska Corn Board.