The Nebraska Wheat Board invests one-third of the check-off in research. Many of these funds are used for contracting projects with companies like the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service. NWB traditionally funds anywhere from 10 to 15 wheat research projects with an emphasis on disease and pest resistance, drought tolerance, Nitrogen and water use efficiency, end-use characteristics and biotechnology. To learn more about UNL’s wheat breeding program, visit or
Bayer CropScience announced a wheat research partnership with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2011. In addition to donating funds to UNL, Bayer CropScience created an endowed chair called the Nebraska Wheat Growers Presidential Chair. Bayer CropScience is also building its first North American wheat breeding station near Goehner, Nebraska. To learn more about Bayer CropScience, visit
Stem Sawfly Survey
The purpose of this research is to determine areas of wheat stem sawfly infestation and
determine current practices related to its mitigation on farm yields and profits. If you are the
primary operator of a farm located in MT, WY, CO, NE, SD, ND, MN, IA, or KS, you may
participate in this research.
Participation in this study will require approximately 30 minutes of your time. You are asked to
complete the online survey which starts on the next page. The survey includes a series of
questions related to wheat stem sawfly and your farming practices. Participation will take place
online. To minimize the time required to complete the survey, answers to initial questions will
determine the questions to follow thereby eliminating questions that do not apply to your farm.
If you have questions about this project, you may contact Jeff Bradshaw at or Troy White at
If you have questions about your rights or complaints about the research, contact the UNL
Institutional Review Board (IRB) at (402)472-6965 or
You can decide not to be in
this research study, or you can withdraw at any time before, during, or after the research begins
for any reason. Deciding not to participate in this research study or deciding to withdraw will not
affect your relationship with the investigator, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, or any of the
grant collaborators. You will not lose any benefits to which you are entitled. You are voluntarily
making a decision whether or not to participate in this research study.
Please follow this link to the survey: